Everybody has data. Few have information.
We can help you design and deliver an information strategy based on integration and collaboration using SQL Server, Excel, and Power BI technologies.
Let's get together and make your data sing
It's not uncommon to have data spread all over in separate databases and Excel files, in different formats and with different owners. An integrated data strategy will bring key data assets into a common platform for cleansing, analysis, and reporting, and will consider both on-premise and cloud tecnologies.
One can never be too careful about protecting data assets. Financial and health data, for example, need to be classified, segregated, and protected according to its sensitivity and identifiability.
It's implicit that we want fast and efficient reports, APIs, and data visualizations. Bottlenecks and underperforming code needs to be identified and enhanced, and monitoring apps should be activated in order to be proactive about performance.
The best information is of no advantage if it cannot be accessed by the right people with the devices they normally use, or if it is the result of a protracted production cycle. Data needs to be mastered for universal platform delivery and for rapid casting into information.
We bring a wealth of experience and apply industrial-strength techniques using SQL Server and Power BI
Using tools such as Integration Services and Power Query (M), we can tap and combine disparate data sources into a central repository or data warehouse for logical integration, cleansing, and auditing. We can revamp an existing platform or build a new one from scratch.
With Power BI we can build visually appealing, interactive, and multi-platform reports that are easily shared across your organization through the cloud. And on its own, Power BI can also serve as a data integration tool.
We can use Reporting Services for traditional reporting, in stand-alone mode or as part of an application, and also to deliver mobile reports and report subscriptions from on-premises data sources.
We can evaluate underperforming reports or applications and formulate recommendations that will consider hardware, system configuration, database design, indexing, and coding practices.
Information should follow you, not the other way around. Our reporting and data visualization solutions ensure that you have access to your data anytime, anywhere, and from any device.
The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.